(Student Art Innovation Lab), 2016-present
S.A.I.L. is a community outreach arts program housed in a refurbished vintage Airstream circa 1975. It is both art lab and mobile art gallery, facilitating events throughout the summer in the Kitchener, Waterloo Region. Each year, I hire three recent fine arts graduates to help me run the program—an all-in experiential learning and on-the-job training. So far our sailors have included Denise St Marie, Timothy Walker and Jess Lincoln (2017), Tait Wilman, Karen Ly, Eryn O’Neill and Chloe Blair (2018), Lauren Prousky, Patrick Alaby and Paula McLean (2019). The program is supported through a University of Waterloo endowment and the Fine Arts Department.
The Eames are often quoted as saying we want to make the best for the most for the least, and this is what S.A.I.L. strives for. We’re a grass roots operation and now in our fourth year have gained momentum—more than 30 local partners, close to 100 events with an outreach of 10,000 participants.
Three cheers for our funders: the Chalmers Family Arts and Culture Experience Award, The Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation, The Musagetes Fund and Murray Gamble.